Method Guide (detection and validation of non-formal and informal competences)
The analysis of the degree of possession of the competences is carried out on the basis of some indicators:
– The observation of behaviours in a work context
– The homogeneity of the observation method
– The systematisation of the results of the different observations
We have relied on typically behavioural methods of analysis -> BEI Method: an instrument that finalises the investigation in search of abilities through a basic interview or individual interview and the survey is carried out starting from the information given by the interviewee. This method is the acronym of a Behavioural Event Interview or Interview based on behaviours / facts.
The STAR sequence is instead used to make the BEI method standardisable. It guarantees the detection of a behavioural episode in all its components. To detect a complete and measurable behavioural action the stimulus questions must be previously structured to investigate:
1. the situation that is the context in which the behaviour took place;
2. the Task or the objectives and the tasks envisaged;
3. the action chosen and implemented;
4. the result obtained or achieved.
- Category: Methodologies and pedagogical approaches
- Country: Italy
- Language: Italian
- Type of file: Text file