Type of file

Results: 132

“Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A Compendium of Good Practice

This is a compilation of 101 examples of good practice in human rights education in primary and secondary schools, as well as teacher training institutions in order to prepare youth...
Good practices OHCHR OSCE UNESCO English Text file

12 Ways to Support English Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

This podcast contains highly relevant tips for LAY TEACHERS, which despite the title, are highly applicable for informal learning of languages also.
Good practices Ireland English Audio

5 Strategies to help you English Language Learners

This Webpage contains visuals examples of activating your workspace with vocabulary and documenting processes both of which are essential to maintain communication with silent stage langauge learners.
Good practices Ireland English Webpage

A Balanced Approach to Literacy Development in the Early Years - NEPS Good Practice Guide

This Good Practice Guide is intended for use mainly by teachers working with children in Junior and Senior Infants and may also be relevant to teachers of First Class children....
Good practices Ireland English Text file

A JOURNEY IN ADULT EDUCATION IN ITALY: Discovering needs, problems and solutions - MOMA project

The idea behind MOMA project is born from historical knowledge of a very early Montessori experience with Umbrian adults and the idea of exploring and experimenting teaching units capable of...
Projects Italy Italian Text file

Adult education for intergenerational dialogue, inclusion and integration

The Erasmus + Agency Indire has organized an international seminar in Palermo “Adult education in Erasmus + to promote intergenerational and intercultural dialogue to build a society of inclusion and...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Text file

ATAL and ELCO: Two programmes to develop the linguistic competence

Presented as two different linguistic projects answering different needs, ATAL answers the need that classrooms have to adapt to the newly arrived migrant children in a manner that also works...
Projects Spain Spanish Text file

Athens Solidarity Center (ASC)

The Athens Solidarity Center (ASC) operates as a central hub for civil society organizations in Greece to implement their individual projects, while at the same time providing a space for...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage

Balanced Approach to literacy development in early years

A series of videos to cultivate a balanced approach to literacy development in early years created by the educational psychologist Mary Nugent for the Irish Department of Education. These videos...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Video

Best practices on validation of non-formal and informal learning

This document provides an example of an interview scheme for the validation process of skills acquired in non-formal contexts and their structure and especially political and strategic aspects. The validation...
Good practices Italy Italian Text file

Blended learning in languages education eBook

The Victoria State in Australia offers this downloadable paper, also suitable as an ebook, with ideas and resources about blended education applied to language acquisition.
Tools and resources Australia English Text file

Bridges of Words (Ponti di parole)

PONTIdiPAROLE is a didactic model for learning the Italian language, aimed at the low school students target (children, adolescents, unaccompanied foreign minors, adult migrants) for study and use by teachers,...
Projects Italy Italian Webpage

Center for Studies on Migration and Mobility Timisoara (SISEC) is a Good Practice example in Romania because militates for introducing studies on migration and mobility in the academic curriculum of the Romanian Universities. was conceived as a...
Good practices Romania Romanian Text file

Centre for Studies of Migration and Mobility Timisoara (SISEC) is a Good Practice example in Romania because it militates for introducing studies of migration and mobility as part of the academic curriculum at Romanian Universities. was conceived...
Good practices Romania Romanian Text file

Citizen Application Support Service Resource Pack

A resource pack for those both assisting and applying for citizenship of Ireland.
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Text file

Connect your city Culture

Connect your city culture is an innovative youth centre for young adults, 16-30 years old, located in the centre of Athens, in Victoria. Connect your city culture aims to educate...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage

Connected We Stand Festival

Connected we stand (CSW) is an annual festival, which includes live Concerts, pop up market ethical brands, kids workshops, sports activities, adult workshops, performer's corner, up-cycling point, interactive lectures, dance...
Good practices Greece Greek Social network Webpage

Country report Italy - 2018 update to the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning

The European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning is a regularly updated overview of validation practices and arrangements across Europe. It is compiled in cooperation with the European...
Policy papers UK English Text file

Crosscare Migrant Project

Crosscare Migrant Project is a Dublin based NGO providing information and advocacy support to Irish emigrants and people who have moved to Ireland. We’re a project of Crosscare the social...
Projects Ireland English Webpage

Definition of an operational framework for the recognition at national level of regional qualifications and related skills, within the National Directory of education and training titles and professional qualifications

The 2014-2020 Partnership Agreement highlights Italy's commitment to implementing a work program aimed at ensuring the existence, throughout the national territory, of an operational framework for recognising regional qualifications and...
Policy papers Italy Italian Text file

Digital tools for inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants

The project promotes and encourages the integration of refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants by enhancing their basic skills and key competences so as to achieve and better their...
Projects Spain Spanish Webpage


A free language learning app, which providing the language learners mother tongue is represented, can support the language learning process.
Tools and resources Ireland English Other Webpage

E-learning Telekom - Romanian Courses and Educational Activities for Refugees

The initiator of the project: The service of Iezuitilor for the refugees in Romania - Conducting Romanian language courses and culture in the 6 refugee accommodation centres in the country...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

Education and migration: languages foregrounded

The eight articles comprising this special issue ‘Education and migration: languages foregrounded’ provide an international, research-led perspective on how languages are foregrounded in education in different countries, in different educational...
Policy papers UK English Text file

English as an additional language in Irish primary schools guidelines for teachers

This document created for the Educate Together Schools, Ireland addresses the language and literacy needs of the child for whom English is an additional language in Irish primary schools. The...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Text file

English language provision and language assessment for low-skilled and unemployed migrants.

This report, developed by Education and Training Board Ireland and SOLAS outlines recommendations for good practice in English as a Second Language provision. It focuses on low skilled and unemployed...
Policy papers Ireland English Text file

ESL/ELL Resources To Succeed In School:Helping English Language Learners Excel In School And Beyond

This website hosted by an American Contributor offers fifty resources addressed to different stakeholders: Teachers, parents and students. It also offers a glossary, numbers about learning a new language in...
Tools and resources United States English Spanish Webpage

Essential bibliography ISFOL

In this link there are lists of information provided by ISFOL, CEDEFOP, OECD and the European Union in which examples of non-formal and informal learning are presented so that the...
Tools and resources Italy English Italian Webpage

European database on validation of non-formal and informal learning

This database provides an overview of how Italy addresses the various challenges related to the definition of validation agreements. I ° - the strategy and sectoral policies of validation, II...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Webpage

Fabric Republic

Fabric Republic is an innovative and comprehensive clothing management system that focuses on today’s social needs, sustainability and sustainable development.
Good practices Greece English Greek Webpage

Facilitating the integration and development of the skills for an independent life of the refugees, relocated to Timisoara, by creating a local support network

The project addressed the 20 relocated Iraqi refugees in Timisoara, which aimed to integrate them into the new host society, by supporting cultural, recreational and educational activities. This project is...
Projects Romania Romanian Presentation Text file

Five Components of effective language instruction

At its most basic level, oral language is about communicating with other people. It involves a process of utilizing thinking, knowledge and skills in order to speak and listen effectively....
Tools and resources Ireland English Text file

Formal, non-formal and informal learning: The case of literacy, essential skills and language learning in Canada

Though non-formal and informal learning methods have not been traditionally given the same importance and recognition as formal education, they have shown to be excellent methods for both children and...
Good practices Canada English Text file

Free lessons by the Centre for the Integration of Immigrants (CII)

The Municipality of Athens provides refugees and immigrants with the opportunity to learn the Greek language and become familiar with Greek history. The lessons taking place at the Centre for...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage


The Methodology and pedagogical approaches define that The Western University of Timişoara (UVT), the institution of higher education is willing to offer free Romanian language and European culture courses to...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Romania Romanian Text file

Good practices in Migrant Integration: trainer's manual

The current document, specifically Module 4, aims to achieve 3 objectives: • To familiarize participants with the different practices in all OSCE regions in terms of measures to assist civic...
Good practices OSCE English Text file

Greek Language Courses Online

The Greek Language Courses Online Solidarity-oriented offers free online Greek language courses to adult refugees and immigrants (beginner level: A0, A1). Courses are held in two group sessions, one hour...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage

Greek Language Courses, Metadrasi

Metadrasi is a Greek association, which has been active in the migration field, either through the implementation of Projects οr by teaching Greek as a foreign language to asylum seekers...
Good practices Greece English Greek Webpage

Greek language manual for immigrants and refugees

This Manual includes basic methodologies and aims to learn the migrants and refugees the Greek language. It is a 231 pages ebook, which starts with an introduction to the alphabet...
Policy papers Greece Greek Text file Webpage

Guidelines of good practices between migrant families and the school

The Vasque Country Government published these guidelines in 2010 to support the relationship between the stakeholders of multicultural relationships. These guidelines explain the approach towards families, the schooling process, the...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Text file


The main characteristic of non-formal education are: participants are placed at the centre of the learning process and not the teachers, who instead take the role of facilitators or those...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Text file

How to increase your vocabulary

Fáilte Isteach is a community project involving predominantly older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes. The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student-centred, welcoming...
Projects Ireland English Webpage

How to Study Effectively with Flash Cards - College Info Geek

The Gateway to Employment Programme assists refugee women in pursuing education and employment opportunities. The project seeks to equalise the basis on which refugee women access and participate in the...
Projects Ireland English Webpage

I speak, therefore I am

«Parlo dunque sono» is an action-research project concerning the learning process of a second language conceived as an integration tool for migrant and refugee and asylum-seeker women. The general main...
Projects Italy Italian Text file

Integrate Ireland Language and Training

This report presents the findings of the measure study of Integrate Ireland Language and Training (previously the Refugee Language Support Unit). Integrate Ireland Language and Training was originally established as...
Policy papers Ireland English Text file


In Romania, each institutional actor (MAI, MECT, MMFES, MS, etc.) is responsible for integrating foreigners into its field of activity, coordinating and monitoring the policy returning to the Ministry of...
Policy papers Romania Romanian Text file

INTERACT Integrated services for migrants, social and multicultural dialogue

The project aims to support the socio-economic and cultural integration of migrants, beneficiaries of international protection and nationals of third countries, in Romanian society through an integrated approach, of the...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

INTERACT PLUS - Integrated services for migrants, social and intercultural dialogue

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office in Romania, in partnership with the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania - AIDRom, the Schottener Foundation Social Services, the Global Help...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

International seminar to present Good Practices in the field of migrant inclusion

On Friday, 10.05.2019, within the Suceava County Police Inspectorate, the “International Seminar on Presentation of Good Practices in the Field of Migrant Inclusion” was held and organized by the Institute...
Good practices Romania Romanian Text file

Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight goals to be achieved by 2015 that respond to the world’s main development challenges. The MDGs are drawn from the actions and targets...
Policy papers UNESCO English Text file

ITALY European inventory on NQF 2018

A national legal framework to recognise and validate non-formal and informal learning and learning paths has been progressively developed in Italy since 2012. The law n. 92/2012 led to the...
Policy papers Italy Italian Text file

IV Social Cohesion Strategic Plan towards Migrants and multicultural living in Castilla y León (2018-2021)

Offering a full solution to improve the Social Cohesion, the Spanish region of Castilla y León published the fourth strategic plan where it includes the decisions around teaching Spanish to...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Webpage

Language and Cultural classrooms for Migrant Workers developed by Comisiones Obreras

As the title describes, this project aims to fill the language and cultural gap that can exist for Migrant workers in Spain. The project is developed by the Spanish Union...
Projects Spain Spanish Text file

Language learning, teaching and assessment and the integration of adult immigrants. The importance of needs analysis

This paper: • Stresses the importance of taking account of the language learning needs from a societal perspective; • Explains how language learning needs can be described and function as...
Policy papers Ireland English Text file

Languages online: Italian

The Educational department of the State of Victoria in Australia offers a selection of tools developed by themselves to learn, in this case, Italian. The Department has also developed the...
Tools and resources Australia English Webpage

Learn English

Website containing short videos that can be used as resources to support the host country language acquisition.
Tools and resources Australia English Webpage

Linguistic support for refugees

The Council of Europe offers a list of 57 useful documents for linguistic support for refugees, in particular: - ethical and intercultural issues to be known when working with refugees;...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Webpage

Management and control system - Delegated Authority for contracting and payments for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is designated to manage the general framework for the financial and strategic planning, management, implementation and audit of the funds granted to Romania by AMIF....
Policy papers Romania English Romanian Text file

Method Guide (detection and validation of non-formal and informal competences)

The analysis of the degree of possession of the competences is carried out on the basis of some indicators: - The observation of behaviours in a work context - The...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Text file

Migrant educative actions developed in Castilla y León from 2007 to 2009

This website collects the actions developed by the Foundation whose aim is to offer linguistic integration in Castilla y Leon to vulnerable groups especially migrants with literacy difficulties. Presented as...
Projects Spain Spanish Webpage

Migrant Teacher Project

The Migrant Teacher Project aims to increase the participation of Immigrant Internationally Educated Teachers (IIETs) in the Irish primary and post-primary education sectors. Established by Marino Institute of Education with...
Projects Ireland English Webpage

Migrants: new training needs of educators

The EPALE National Unit (Erasmus + Agency / Indire) organised on November 20 at University of Catania the national seminar Migrants: new educational needs of educators, on the theme of...
Projects Italy Italian Webpage

Mom learns Spanish, Mom teachs Spanish

The project Mom learns Spanish, Mom teaches Spanish was created by an NGO in Madrid whose aim is providing basic services for integration of vulnerable people. In this case, they...
Projects Spain Spanish Video

Multilateral projects of Transfer of Innovation

Presenting some examples in comparison with the text reported which deals with the transparency of competences and the qualifications of validation of non-formal and informal learning, it is possible to...
Projects Italy English Italian Text file

My Story, My Words

“My Story – My Words” is a project about the migrant experience in Ireland, and how migrants have to translate themselves into new words and new contexts in order to...
Projects Ireland English Text file

National Strategy for Integration

Ιn 2019, a renewed draft of the National Strategy for Integration of the Ministry of Migration Policy was successfully completed. In view of the above, the National Strategy for Integration...
Policy papers Greece Greek Text file Webpage

NATIONAL STRATEGY ON MIGRATION - no. 616 from 21.04.2004

The Government of Romania approved, by agreement no. 616 from 21.04.2004 the National Strategy on Migration. The strategy stipulates the general principles and guidelines for determining Romania's policy on admission,...
Policy papers Romania Romanian Text file

Needed apps to teach Spanish to foreign pupils

This website, supported by the International University Centre of Barcelona, proposes different tools and resources to develop lesson materials on an engaging and easy way.
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Webpage

New tasks for the Spanish as a foreign language teacher: A reflection around the teaching method

Some years ago, the student-centered programs were part of the debate related to the teaching of foreign languages, focusing on the new role of the teacher. The introduced methodological changes...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Text file

Orientation Manual for Syrian refugees resettled from Turkey to Romania

A Guidance Manual has been developed to better support non-professional teachers, key actors, as well as for relocated refugees from Turkey to Romania. Its role is to give you answers...
Good practices Romania English Romanian Text file

Policies for Migrant Social Integration in the Spanish regions

This paper published in 2010 copulates all the policies and strategies developed by the Spanish regions, as Spain nationally follows the European indications, on the matter of Migrants Social Integration....
Policy papers Spain Spanish Text file

Policy Recommendation paper - REM PROJECT: Rights, Duties, Solidarity European constitutions and Muslim immigration

The Methodology developed within the REM project at international level aimed at promoting adult education of citizenship, centred on the knowledge of the principles of the Constitution of the host...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches EU English Text file

Projecte Rossinyol

This project supports the integration of vulnerable youth through the figures of tutor and tutored. In this case, the tutors are University students, regardless their major, who through weekly meetings...
Projects Spain Catalá Spanish Video

REACT_RO: educational resources for learning Romanian and cultural accommodation of BPI and RTT in Romania

Beneficiary - Timișoara Intercultural Institute - The project aims to contribute to the development of the systemic framework, integration tools and institutional capacity (governmental and non-governmental) to ensure adaptation and...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Country Practices

This document describes the various practices of countries and regions, including quantitative data and references to pilot projects. The report also examines contextual factors to the extent that they can...
Good practices OECD English Text file

Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning

The importance of this kind of informal or non-formal education has been proven, due to its complementary function regarding formal education, allows the development and therefore better employability of the...
Good practices UNESCO English Text file

Refugee situation - Summary of national surveys - Information Tool

This publication was made within the 'Talk with me' project and is part of the series of tools designed to be used in other projects which in turn aim to...
Tools and resources EU Romania Romanian Presentation Video

RESHAPE the future Education and training for migrants and refugees

THEME REPORT: Quality assurance relating to educational activities in social integration - Education and training are the most powerful tools for integration. The main aim of quality assurance for migrants’...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches EU Sweden English Text file

Responding to the language needs of adult refugees in Ireland: an alternative approach to teaching and assessment

Integrate Ireland Language and Training (IILT) is funded by the Irish government to provide intensive English language courses for adult immigrants with refugee status. This paper describes IILT’s approach to...
Policy papers Ireland English Text file

Saharawi Teacher Training in the Refugee Camps at Tindouf (Argelia)

This paper gathers the information about the experience, supported by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, of professional teachers who moved to the Saharawian refugee camps in order to provide training...
Good practices Spain Spanish Text file


A resource website for schools which contains some useful prepared vocabulary worksheets for late early production and speech emergence stage language learners with written collections of words they are acquiring...
Tools and resources Ireland English Webpage

Second languages and migration: Educational resources

Website with different resources about the experience of teaching Spanish to foreigners and migrants. The link contains several educational sophisticated resources such as intercultural bedtime stories, intercultural cookery and a...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Webpage

See best practices NO°2

The text focuses on the evaluation, validation and recognition practices of learning in informal and non-formal areas (such as volunteering) in Italy, which have become the subject of regulation in...
Good practices Italy Italian Text file

SIM_CIS – Integrated services for migrants – intercultural and solidary communities

The League of Human Rights (LADO) Cluj subsidiary, in partnership with the Non-Governmental Professional Association of Social Assistance (ASSOC) Baia Mare, developed between August 2019 - August 2020 the project...
Projects Romania English Romanian Text file

Skills validation training

This site is dedicated to operators and professionals of services concerning the issue of validation and certification of skills, and the course is aimed at those who already carry out...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Webpage

Solidarity with Refugees: 10 Things You Can Do to Help in Ireland

A Webpage which lists 10 Things that you can do in Ireland to help the integration of refugees and asylums including a video of Rania Ali, a refugee from Syria...
Tools and resources Ireland English Video Webpage

Spanish as a new language: Guidelines to design an emergency course for adult migrants

The Cervantes Institute, the most prestigious institution in terms of Spanish learning and teaching, published this paper covering the methodology, as well as the basic learning literacy units. Finally, it...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Text file

Spanish for Adult Romanian Migrants

Presented as a paper in the magazine Spanish: fusion and multiculturality tongue, this teaching experience was developed in a town in Castellon. Responding to the needs of the increasing number...
Projects Spain Spanish Text file

Spanish for migrants guidebook

Learning units proposal and exercises to teach Spanish literacy for beginners to migrants gathered by a Spanish Foundation.
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Webpage

Spanish for migrants: Grammar

NGO website that gathers several practical resources to use as tools during the Spanish language teaching
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Webpage

Spanish for migrants: Learning units

Literacy learning units proposal to teach Spanish to migrants gathered by a Spanish NGO
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Webpage

Spanish for Migrants. Innovation project.

This paper collects information about a project that was develop in the Region of Castilla la Mancha. They used digital support to teach Spanish to the newly arrived migrant children...
Projects Spain Spanish Text file

STARRT III - International Organization for Migration - The office in Romania

STARRT III comprehensively supports the action of the Romanian State of humanitarian and solidarity response towards Turkey and Jordan in terms of refugees from Syria. International Organization for Migration (IOM),...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

Study Visit - Tool to better understand the link between education and training

Vocational Training and Employment for Refugees in the Education Sector - The transversal tool program is part of the actions of the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field...
Tools and resources Romania Romanian Text file

Tá Falado: Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation for Speakers of Spanish

The University of Texas in Austin publishes a list of podcast that would help Spanish speakers to adapt their pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese. It's quite convinient as a tool to...
Tools and resources United States Portuguese Spanish Audio

Teaching Spanish to migrants focusing on the labour market

This is a paper about the teaching of a second language to migrants with a fixed focus. It debates the differences when teaching a language by covering specific needs or...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Text file

Teaching Spanish to migrants in Adult Education

Spanish teaching in Adult Education experience in the early 2000 in the region of Murcia. This paper compiles what pupils gained from the materials used during the classes as well...
Good practices Spain Spanish Text file

TEAL Project

The TEAL project (TED EAL), an initiative of the TED (Transforming Education through Dialogue) Project, Curriculum Development Unit at MIC, is the first of its kind in Ireland and is...
Projects Ireland English Webpage

Tell me Project

The difficulty in mastering the language is one of the key material contributors to social and psychological insecurity. Experienced by migrants in the process of their difficult integration in any...
Projects Italy Portugal Sweden English Italian Portuguese Swedish Turkish Webpage

Tes Blendspace

Website that provides tools to create a lesson combining digital resources such as pdf, images, youtube or links.
Tools and resources Spain English Spanish Webpage

The Blue Refugee Centre

The Blue Refugee Centre operates in Thessaloniki since November 2016 as part of SolidarityNow’s projects in Northern Greece and serves as an open space where people of diverse backgrounds can...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage

The certification model of the skills acquired in non-formal and informal contexts

The certification model for the acquired competences in non-formal and informal learning contexts offers, to each citizen, the opportunity to certify the possession of skills acquired during his life, regardless...
Good practices Italy Italian Text file

The guidelines of Spanish language for migrants

As part of their educational area, this Spanish Foundation sets as a project with some guidelines about how to proceed when teaching Spanish to migrants. They define the stages of...
Projects Spain Spanish Webpage

The impact of the teachers’ non-verbal communication on success in teaching

Non-verbal communication skills, also called sign language or silent language, include all behaviors performed in the presence of others or perceived either consciously or unconsciously. The main aim of this...
Policy papers Iran English Text file

The language embraces

Α seminar celebrated in the Complutense University in Spain. It gathered several professionals that debated on the topics of methods, tools, needs and future challenges to facilitate the integration through...
Good practices Spain Spanish Video

The Lives of Teachers in Diverse Classrooms

Recent migration patterns have brought major change to the experience of schooling for students, parents and teachers. This paper focuses on teachers, and explores their roles, functions and challenges in...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Text file

THe MELLIE Project

MELLIE is an innovative extra-curricular pilot project designed to facilitate language and cultural exchange between DCU students and staff, and asylum seekers from Mosney Direct Provision Centre, Co. Meath, Ireland.
Projects Ireland English Webpage

The Migrant Integration Strategy - A blueprint for the future

The Migrant Integration Strategy sets out the Irish governments commitment to the promotion of migrant integration as a key part of Ireland’s renewal and as underpinning Irish society. It provides...
Policy papers Ireland English Text file

The Minister of National Education - Access to education of refugees in Romania

On September 24, 2019, the representatives of CNRED (National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas) participated in the thematic meeting dedicated securing access to education for refugees in the...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Romania Romanian Text file

The National Adult Literacy Agency

This is the website of the adult literacy agency in Ireland and has a range of downloadable worksheets to help with literacy and numeracy many of which may be of...
Tools and resources Ireland English Webpage

The Networking Refugees Project

The Nevo Parudimos Association from Resita, together with the AIDRom Association from Timisoara implemented a pilot project in Romania, to support those responsible from Adult Education Organisations (especially non-professional teachers,...
Projects Romania English Romanian Webpage

The Road to Integration: Education and Migration / Education for Inclusive Societies

Building teaching capacity: Building capacity to respond to shortages in both the quantity and quality of teachers through specific diversity training and professional development. Key policy principles: Pedagogical approaches: •...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Presentation Text file

The Spirasi Education Programme

The rehabilitative services offered by Spirasi are unique in Ireland and consist of the following; Multidisciplinary (medical, therapeutic and psychosocial) Initial Assessment (IA) for both victims of torture and those who have...
Tools and resources Ireland English Webpage

Thessaloniki Solidarity Center (TSC)

The Thessaloniki Solidarity Center (TSC) has served as a central hub that provides healthcare services, social support services, and legal aid to underprivileged groups who live in Thessaloniki. All services...
Good practices Greece Greek Webpage

Together: A Multilingual Guide to Education in Greece

The guide was developed to support educational integration actions for vulnerable social groups. It is aimed at migrants/refugees and beneficiaries of international protection who speak mainly Arabic and Farsi or...
Policy papers Greece Arabic Farsi Greek Text file

Tools and resources to learn Spanish. Selection and analysis.

The Navarra Region government published this paper covering several tools and resources. The tools and resources are divided focusing on the final user: Children, young adults, adults, illiterates (…)
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Text file

TRAF - Timisoara Refugee Art Festival - Tool and resources from the first Art Festival with and about refugees in Romania

During the 5 days, the 15 young people and 15 young non-refugees attended 10 art workshops (forum theatre, music, painting, film and installations) supported by non-professional teachers and representatives from...
Tools and resources Romania Romanian Other Text file

Training course - CONSTANȚA

Representatives of the following institutions participated in the course: Tulcea Territorial Labor Inspectorate (ITM Tulcea), Constanța County School Inspectorate (ISJ Constanța) Vranc County School Inspectorate (Vranc County Inspectorate) ISJ Vrancea),...
Projects Romania Romanian Text file

Up and Away - A resource book for English language support in primary schools.

This project by Integrate Ireland Language and Training to support the teaching of English as a second language in primary and post-primary schools contains: a language support programme, a curriculum...
Tools and resources Ireland English Text file


This document summarises the results of a brief exploratory survey conducted by ISFOL between October 2012 and January 2013 and is aimed at acquiring information and data relating to the...
Projects Italy Italian Text file

UVT Methodology on organization and conducting the admission process

The Methodology and pedagogical approaches define that The Western University of Timişoara (UVT), the institution of higher education is willing to offer free Romanian language and European culture courses to...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Romania Romanian Text file

VA.LI.CO practices list

Va.Li.Co. is the INAPP (Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche) website, dedicated to the validation of competences and the Training Booklet, and this specific site link offers an overview...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Webpage


The Valid-Info project designs the skills of the intercultural mediator and the street operator in order to have a clear idea of ​​the dimension of non-formal and informal learning within...
Projects Italy Italian Text file

Validation experiences of non-formal and informal learning in Italy and Europe

The project for the certification of the credits initiated by the Valle d’Aosta Region has been developed in different phases: 1. Context analysis phase aimed at understanding and tracing topics...
Projects Italy Italian Text file

Validation of competences: tools and examples

The documents here proposed were taken from the most interesting validation practices identified in the survey conducted in the context of the research Recognition of non formal and informal learning...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Webpage

Validation of experience skills: approaches and practices in Italy and Europe

Processes and methodologies of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy: As regards the processes and methodologies of Emilia Romagna, it is possible to identify phases of the validation process: 1. Reception and...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Text file

Welcome Guide to Romania!

The tool Welcome to Romania! Information guide for third-country nationals (Bucharest - 3rd Edition)
Tools and resources Romania English Romanian Text file


The WEMIN project (Migrant Women Empowerment and Integration) aims to implement and promote a comprehensive integration model for migrant/refugee women (MRW). Through direct interventions in women populations and through experience-sharing...
Projects Ireland English Text file

Who helps the refugees?

Tools and resources to be used as didactical materials in school settings or other environment/context. Who helps the refugees? UNHCR, governments and many other organizations help refugees. And you can...
Tools and resources Romania Romanian Other Text file Video

Words matter - Who is a migrant?

Animations and resources to be used as didactical materials in school settings or other environment/context. Who are migrants? Migrants are people who move to another country for different reasons, not...
Tools and resources Romania Romanian Other Text file Video

Words matter - Who is a refugee?

Understanding the terms refugees, migration and asylum begins with understanding some basic elements. Animations and resources to be used as didactical materials in school settings or other environment/context. Who is...
Tools and resources Romania Romanian Other Text file Video

Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees

While migration policy remains a national responsibility, central and local authorities recognise that integration needs to happen where people are, in their workplaces, educational environment and in their neighbourhoods. In...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Text file